Tuesday, March 1, 2005

Al Franken Returns To Sundance Channel (Eventually)

Good news and bad news for Al Franken fans. The good news is that The Al Franken Show will be returning to the Sundance Channel. The bad news is that it won't be until June 6th and no timeslot has been discussed. Now, I used to listen to (and watch) the show religiously. Now that I have a "serious" job where I can hardly make a five-second personal phone call, let alone listen to the radio without being jeered (Hey, at least I have a job, so they keep telling me), I desperately miss listening to Katherine Lanpher and Al interact with each other and with their audience. I've never felt so out of touch with current events as I do right now, mere months after possibly the most important Presidential election ever. Franken was only ever contracted to be on Sundance through the election. This I didn't know until recently. Until a few weeks ago, I truly believed that Sundance, taking the re-election of Dubya as their cue, decided that Franken's agenda no longer suited their airwaves and dropped him like last year's health insurance. As the formerly-great Rod Stewart might say, "Look how wrong you can be." I feel that I owe Sundance a huge apology. But making us wait until June? That's plenty cruel, people.

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