This appeared in today's New York Post. Apparently, CBS is considering a "Friends"-type television sitcom titled Cobble Hill to be set (where else?) in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn. Though I technically live in Boerum Hill (a few doors down at most), I am extremely wary of this one.
As evidence for the prosecution, let's consider Cookin' In Brooklyn, a truly godawful show on the Discovery Home channel. What could have been a good show about cuisine around the Smith Street area turned out to be a terrible cooking show that tries to be a bad sitcom. For example,
Episode 1: Don't Call Me Cyrano - Alan's friend Paul uses some delicious appetizers prepared by Alan to woo his new girlfriend Amber, but when they turn out to be a hit, chaos ensues as Amber decides Paul is a good enough cook that he should prepare her dinner as well!And it's at least as bad as it sounds, believe me. No one wanted the show to be worthwhile more than I did. Chaos not only ensued, but was victorious without breaking a sweat.
Now, what CBS has here is an idea for what will most likely be a bad sitcom. Think of the possibilities! I can see the opening montage now (music courtesy of the Cobble Hillbillies): the cast members impishly placing a fake mustache on that Michelin man in front of Robin des Bois before being chased away, followed by much giggling; a Laverne & Shirley-style zoom out of the Williamsburgh Bank Building, the top of which now reads "Welcome Brooklyn Visitors", etc., etc.
Maybe I'm just a curmudgeon, but I don't want my neighborhood to be famous. Not like this.
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