Friday, October 15, 2004

He Can't Possibly Be Serious

In today's New York Post, Dick Cheney commented on Sen. John Kerry's remarks concerning Cheney's openly-gay daughter, Mary:
"You saw a man who will do and say anything to get elected," Cheney said at a rally in Florida. "And I am not just speaking as a father here, although I am a pretty angry father."
Well, angry father I can buy, but ha ha... ha ha did he..ha ha actually accuse Kerry of DOING ANYTHING TO GET ELECTED!?!?! Is he preaching to people who live under rocks? Not to lose what little journalistic composure I have, but JESUS, are these people absolute scum!

Just to clarify, this is the actual quote from Wednesday's debate:
"We're all God's children ... and I think if you were to talk to Dick Cheney's daughter, who is a lesbian, she would tell you that she's being who she was. She's being who she was born as. I think if you talk to anybody, it's not a choice,"
Well there's hardly a chance of that, since she's about the only person in Cheney's family not to comment on the obviously vicious, hateful quote. What exactly is the offending item within the quote? That Mary is one of God's children? That she is being who she is? I fail to see what the GOP finds offensive about this quote.

As for doing or saying anything to get elected, maybe the man Cheney is referring to is George W. Bush. I saw him. Didn't you?

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