Monday, January 23, 2006

Conspriacy Theory Minute: Osama Bin Laden

Here's something that occurred to me recently: Osama Bin Laden has an amazing habit of appearing suddenly whenever President Bush's approval ratings drop, and/or he does something extremely unpopular like, say, monitoring citizens' private functions without a warrant.

Last week just like clockwork, Bin Laden magically appeared again spewing hatred toward our country. He also offered a "long-term truce" if Washington withdrew its military presence from Iraq and Afghanistan. "We do not negotiate with terrorists. We put them out of business," Scott McClellan cleverly retorted.

Even if Osama is alive, which is somewhat unlikely - the message could easily have been from anybody; it sounded little like bin Laden's previous messages - my feeling is that Osama has little or no influence over al-Qaida or anyone else. To quote USA Today, "The tape raised an interesting, and increasingly perplexing, question: What power, exactly, does the terrorist leader, who is likely living much as a cornered animal, have?"

The timing of this message is very convenient for the Bush administration with the impending appointment of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court and Bush's defense of his current Domestic Spy Program. Our current government is able to implement laws which revoke most of our rights when the nation is gripped with fear. Mark my words: Bush will more than get away with monitoring the lives of ordinary citizens, as well as overtunring Rowe v. Wade, so long as people believe that we are under constant threat of annihilation. Is this "new message" merely a diversion?

Look at how much help bin Laden's speech has been to the right-wing media.

Just sayin'.

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