Monday, June 13, 2005

Tom Cruise Uses The Word "Dig" In Entertainment Weekly

Proving just how tragically out of touch with reality he is, Scientology-shilling bastard Tom Cruise told EW that his clueless beard Katie Holmes "digs" Scientology.
"Yes, absolutely. She digs it," the 42-year-old actor tells the magazine.
Now, let me ask you this: how long will it be before this man is leaving hitchhikers in shallow graves? The man has lost it. He should be locked up. He doesn't realize how much he is scaring America. I'll tell you this, if he did to my couch what he did to Oprah's, I would kick his L. Ron Hubbard-loving ass all over the back lot of Harpo Productions. I mean, we all have our quirks, but what the hell kind of way is that to behave? Honestly, my prediction is that Cruise destroys both his career and Scientology in one fell swoop. I give him two years. Dig?

- Cruise Says Holmes 'Digs' Scientology

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