Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Reg Strikes George, George Strikes Back

Jesus! This Elton guy sure is a bitchy one. He said of George Michael in a recent interview: "George is in a strange place. There appears to be a deep-rooted unhappines in his life." He also described Michael's most recent album as "disappointing." George Michael retorted, saying
"Elton John knows very little about George Michael and that's a fact. Contrary to the public's impression, we have spoken rarely in the last 10 years and what would probably surprise most people is that we have never discussed my private life. Ever. He knows I don't like to tour, I smoke too much pot and my albums still have a habit of going to Number One. In other words, he knows as much as most of my fans. What he doesn't know is I have rarely been as happy and confident as I am today, thanks to my partner Kenny and the continued support of my fans. If I stay at home too much, if anything it is because I am too contented right now. I have travelled the world many times and at 41, I think I have earned the right to a quiet life, which I truly love, and maybe Elton just can't relate to that. He makes millions playing those old classics day in and day out, whereas my drive and passion is still about the future and the songs I have yet to write for the public."
Hmmm...maybe George is the bitchy one. And, uh, on what planet are George Michael albums going to number one these days (Planet UK, allegedly)? How much pot is this guy smoking? Enough to refer to himself in the third person, obviously.

Okay, I guess I'm the bitchy one.

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