Monday, December 20, 2004

George W. Bush Time's Man Of The Year 2004

Needless to say, I was disappointed by this, not only because W simply doesn't deserve it, but also because he was already chosen as Time's Man Of The Year in 2000 (and didn't desevre it then). There is an almost suspcious lack of ingenuity on Time's part here. I almost would have pereferred Karl Rove (because I could have just reposted this graphic).

Here's a man who's not the least bit disappointed. To the contrary, he's ecstatic to the point of being an unforgivably bad journalist with the unlikely name of J. Grant Swank, Jr. "J" writes for, heralding themselves as "Most In-depth, Conservative, Honest News & Commentary" on their banner. Here's what Swank has to say about Time's choice:
Smart choice: Bush Will Be Regarded As Planet Safety President. The world would wish to continue whistling the happy tunes. America in particular is crazed with entertainment-centered lifestyles. To warn the US of impending doom is to be a party spoiler. That’s the risk that the United States President George W. Bush takes when he cautions the nation — and the planet — of terrorists’ killing instincts. It’s like being told that it’s time to go to the dentist. Not so. Put it off. Deny the appointment.
Wait! It gets eeven more difficult to understand what he's talking about:
One thing is certain: future years will look back on the Bush administration to realize the wisdom locked into warp and woof of Mr. Bush’s policies.One role that Mr. Bush has played out with utter sincerity is the parental role. He, though not that old, has lived out the fatherly care for the country. The liberals deride that as pampering the public. The press thinks it’s a sign of weakness. The thoughtless just don’t give it a thought.
Yeah, but....that's how they became thoughtless, right? Don't knock people for doing their jobs.

More lines:
"Russia is now dealing in major awful accent with killers’ instincts played out in blood rivers aplenty."
I'm trying hard to follow this. Is he saying that Russian dudes with accents and killer instincts are playing in rivers of blood? I realize I'm taking this too literally.
Terrorists are bent on finding every weak link going. In that, they strategize their arms to lay low the innocent.
Okay, here he's saying that the terrorists... I have no idea.

Jesus! Lassie can articulate better than this guy. Apparently, writing in a faux-biblical style is supposed to give your argument more weight.

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