Over three years ago, I named what I felt was (and is) the greatest jingle in advertising history. I stand by my choice 1000%, but now I think I may have the second greatest jingle of all time. Trouble is, most of you won't remember it, unless you are my age (and I'm not divulging that bit of info). It's an old PSA for the Boy Scouts of America that aired way back in the 1970's (yeah, the boy scouts were around even at that point in time). Anyway, the jingle is a wonderful slab of Ides of March-meets-Jesus Christ Superstar meets, etc, etc. In short, wonderfully, if woefully inappropriately, funky and memorable. Also, I adore old TV ads that try to seem futuristic and instead give us a hilarious glimpse of how Neanderthal everything was, technologically speaking (check out that Colossus computer). Musically, I doubt that the whole of our current Top 40 houses as many musical hooks as in this 20-second ad.
Many, many thanks to MSTS1 for posting this on YouTube. I've been searching for it pretty much since YouTube's inception.
Enjoy. Click on the image to play the video.