Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Warning: Vicious Killer Dog Approacheth!

For those of you who don't know, this is my dog Aimee. As usual, she is at rest. I have noticed lately that when I walk her, the other pedestrians seem incredibly afraid of her. God knows why. She wouldn't harm a fly, literally. There was a fly buzzing around in my apartment yesterday. Aimee immediately became very frightened and proceeded to cower in the corner, shivering slightly. She was a stray named "Amelia" when we met her two years ago, and she had what was diagnosed as a neurological disorder which caused her back legs to pump up and down uncontrollably. Adorable as it was, I did worry about her health, though the vet told us that, although the disorder didn't hurt her, the condition may never improve. In time, it did improve and the shaking stopped. Her energy level is still extremely low, even for a dog. I guess that, plus her incredibly sweet disposition, makes her the perfect apartment dog. If you happen to see her on the street, the LAST thing she would ever do is bite anyone. Don't be afraid.

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