Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Warning: Vicious Killer Dog Approacheth!

For those of you who don't know, this is my dog Aimee. As usual, she is at rest. I have noticed lately that when I walk her, the other pedestrians seem incredibly afraid of her. God knows why. She wouldn't harm a fly, literally. There was a fly buzzing around in my apartment yesterday. Aimee immediately became very frightened and proceeded to cower in the corner, shivering slightly. She was a stray named "Amelia" when we met her two years ago, and she had what was diagnosed as a neurological disorder which caused her back legs to pump up and down uncontrollably. Adorable as it was, I did worry about her health, though the vet told us that, although the disorder didn't hurt her, the condition may never improve. In time, it did improve and the shaking stopped. Her energy level is still extremely low, even for a dog. I guess that, plus her incredibly sweet disposition, makes her the perfect apartment dog. If you happen to see her on the street, the LAST thing she would ever do is bite anyone. Don't be afraid.

Friday, August 20, 2004

God Save My Blog

After a long absence, Dan Nester's blog is back with all-new disturbing Queen-esque artwork and a new title: God Save My Blog. Check it out! First link on the right.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Stupidity Is Just Around the Corner, Part Two

While I was away, I received a forwarded email from a neighbor of mine, a designer named Matt Ipcar, who was as bothered by the "Osama Votes Kerry" stencils as I was. While I took a mini vacation, Matt took action. The email read as follows:
Dear Brooklyn friends (and honorary brooklynites),

Last week I noticed a few stenciled and spray painted signs on mailboxes and lamp posts around the 'hood (2 on our corner Henry & baltic) that say: "OSAMA VOTES KERRY"

So, as a sunday afternoon crafts & anger management project, I prepared the attached labels and have pasted them on all the signs that I've seen. problem is, since the bad guy's one is a stencil and they're probably in some sort of huge gas guzzling vehicle, there are probably a lot more scattered around.

I ask you, fellow Americans, If you've seen these signs to print the attached PDF out on sticker paper ( off your inkjet printer ) and go to town. they are formatted to fit Avery brand mailing labels code#86111. It's your duty.

if you are graphics minded, feel free to enlarge them.



Click here to download the PDF file.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Booing Jews in Philly

A few weeks back, a friend of mine went to see comedian Todd Barry at a venue in Philadelphia called North Star Bar. It was a situation where he was performing between musical acts. It was late on a Tuedsay evening and the venue was fairy empty except for a handful of rowdies, about fifty people in all. According to my friend, Todd began telling a joke about a customized yamakuh made to look like a slice of watermelon (the routine normally goes like this). However, on this particular evening, Todd tried setting up the joke by asking if there were any Jewish people in the audience. The response was predominantly boos and hisses. Todd, ever the pro, used the reaction well, though he still seemed a little shaken. He congratulated one of the audience members for her dazzling lexicon ("See?", said Barry, "She even knows the lingo. Jewhater...").

Here is a short mp3 of the incident. My friend tells me the booing was far louder in the actual venue.

As a former resident of Philadelphia, I find this all deeply disturbing.

Thursday, August 5, 2004

Stupidity Is Just Around the Corner

While walking my dog the other day, I spotted something on the sidewalk not half a block away from my home (in front of the Brooklyn/New York State Department of Education building). There, stenciled on the ground were the words, "Osama Votes Kerry." Normally, I associate stenciling with more liberal sentiments like "FREE TIBET NOW!" or "STOP THE WAR." This was a bit of a shocker. Confused, I feverishly sought any potential clarification. I stumbled across this site by Googling the words "Osama Votes Kerry," but this wasn't very much help. Next, I found this site, WhackBush2004, which contained the following entry:

I was walking on the Brooklyn Bridge yesterday, and someone had spraypainted "Osama Votes Kerry." Ignoring the logistics of how someone without American citizenship will be voting, why would Osama vote for Kerry? Osama's doing pretty well for himself under Bush.
The above entry was dated July 25th. this mean that the phantom spraypainter is moving ever-so-closer to my address? Why doesn't Tom Ridge address THAT? I just feel so politically violated......