Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Another Time, Another Place

We have a new addition to our "Places" category. This new entry by Kate Mortell details our trip to Seattle late last year.

Either click "Places" on the main bar, or go here.


Friday, June 9, 2006

The Greatest TV Theme Song Never?

Some progress to report on the Channel 102 show that my colleagues and I are working on. We've decided on a story of a man and a talking dildo who is sort of a spiritual guide, if you will. Titled "The Dapper Dildo,' we start production next week if not sooner. And I've finished the theme song.

The lyrics go something like this:

I've got a special little friend
He may be made of foam and silicone,
but he sure has made it a happy home

I've got a special little friend
He may look odd but, oh my God
We remain friends until the very end

I've got a special little friend,,,,,

Simple, huh? Wait'll you hear it! Take that, Rembrandts!

Download the song here.

Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Now Is The Time...

That's right, children. Now is the time for you to vote for your favorite filmfights.com film. Naturally, we wouldn't attempt to persuade you to vote for the film branded "Baked Ziti." That would be dishonest. We only want you to pick the best film of the bunch, which is obviously ours (the one branded "Baked Ziti"). So vote Baked Ziti, America! And don't be afraid!

We love you!!!!

Monday, June 5, 2006

The Baked Ziti Radio Hour: Episodes 30 & 31

In honor of Jack Phillip's recent birthday, we have recorded two new Baked Ziti Radio Hour episodes where we talk exclusively about Jack's favorite things: our personal blogs, our yet-to-be-seen Channel 102 show, and Paul McCartney. It's a laugh-a-minute riot for that one-of-a-kind can't-be-dissuaded radio listener who just can't get enough hyphens in their diet.

Download the episodes here:

Episode 30
Episode 31