To those who love to be reduced to a subhuman gender stereotype, Clare Staples' book Everything I Know About Men I Learnt From My Dog will be a fabulous read.
Here are some tips "for bagging different types of dog-man" from Clare's book:
The unavailable oneThis degrading attitude toward both sexes would Cosmopolitan blush. "Be elusive and flighty and men will go to any lengths to win you?" Maybe she should just reread He's Just Not That Into You.
Man tip: Men are genetically programmed to be hunter-gatherers. They like to pursue things and the harder the things are to catch, the more valued they become. Don't be too easy. Be elusive and flighty and men will go to any lengths to win you.
Dog tip: All dogs want what they can't have.
The Alpha Male:
Man tip: When he is around others, let your man be a man. Men judge other men and decide on their status by three things: physical size, wealth, and the woman by their side. Don't criticize, belittle or be sarcastic to your man in front of anyone.
Dog tip: A dog needs to think he is top dog. When he is around other dogs, he doesn't want them to know he has an owner and a boss.
The independent spirit:
Man tip: Don't call your man, text him or turn up at his house unexpectedly no matter what. Let him do the chasing. Always end the call or visit before he does; you want to have him feeling as though you are always slightly out of his reach.
Dog tip: If you chase a dog, it will run away. The more you chase, the more he will run. There is just something in his nature that makes him do this no matter how much he loves you and how much he loves being with you. If you turn your back on him and walk away quickly he will come running after you, determined to catch up with you and be by your side.
Candace Bushnell, in the book's forward, writes:"By the simple act of comparing men to dogs, Staples has achieved what a hundred years of psychology and self-help books haven't: She has finally made the male sex comprehensible."
Said the failed actress about the washed up model's book. Meow!
- Down, Boy [New York Post]