Let's face it: when Law & Order fearlessly gets on your case, your as good as toast. I have a $50 bet going with a friend of mine that says DeLay goes nowhere. This country has no accountability and, therefore, DeLay will not be fired nor will he be asked to step down. But now, the ruling against Bill Ceverha, the airfare scandal picking up steam, etc., I'm starting to feel like I may be out 50 bucks after all. The Law & Order episode in question deals with suspects who are right-wing extremists. In the episode, police are frustrated by a lack of clues, leading one officer to quip, "Maybe we should put out an APB (all-points-bulletin) for somebody in a Tom DeLay T-shirt."
Yeah, I can pretty much kiss the 50 bucks goodbye. Right?
- NBC clashes with Tom DeLay on Law & Order